Lavash Bread Is The Secret To An Easy, Unique Homemade Pizza

Flatbread pizza on wooden board
Flatbread pizza on wooden board - Kajakiki/Getty Images

Pizza nights are the best nights. Whether you're relaxing with a little takeout or spending quality time with the family making the homemade version, it's hard to beat a good old-fashioned pizza dinner. But if you're looking for a way to get those delicious, familiar flavors without the more arduous task of making homemade pizza dough, look no further than lavash bread.

Lavash bread is ultra-thin, so as long as you're not craving deep dish style, it's the perfect alternative to standard pizza dough. The origins trace back to Armenia, where it is so loved that it's even traditionally a part of Armenian wedding ceremonies, bringing good fortune to family and wealth. But if you're looking to just purchase some store-bought lavash for your pizza night, you don't even have to bake it; the toppings only need a little time under the broiler or in the oven to melt or get crispy. It really couldn't be easier.

Read more: The 18 Unhealthiest Store-Bought Sliced Breads You Can Buy

Lavash Bread Is A Great Alternative To Pizza Dough

Close up of lavash bread
Close up of lavash bread - Alexbai/Getty Images

Perhaps the best part of using lavash for pizza night is that it requires less prep and bake time than typical pizza dough. If you purchase packaged lavash, there is no kneading or rolling involved; it comes ready for pizza toppings. Plus, you typically have to let store-bought pizza dough come to room temperature to stretch it, but since lavash is pre-baked, it's easier than ever.

Lavash is made with generally the same ingredients as pizza dough, though some recipes vary, but it's rolled out to be extra flat. Traditionally, it's baked in a clay oven for just a few minutes until it's cooked through. Next time you're craving pizza, try adding a little red sauce, plus cheese and any other desired toppings to your lavash. Since the bread is already cooked, all you need to do is bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (no need to go up to those high pizza dough temperatures) for about 10 minutes to let the cheese melt. If you have meat or veggies on there that you want to crisp up, place it under a high broiler for about five minutes.

Other Uses For Lavash

Pile of lavash bread
Pile of lavash bread - Vahagni/Shutterstock

Store-bought lavash bread might be perfect for pizza, but it serves plenty of other purposes. The bread has a similar thickness and texture to pita, so it's great as a hearty wrap. You can also slice or rip the lavash, then use it to scoop ingredients like hummus or dips. Swap it in place of bread in your grilled cheese, then dip it in comforting tomato soup.

Since store-bought lavash usually comes in plastic packaging, if it's not properly stored, it can get stale or grow mold. Lavash from the store will last for around two to three weeks. However, if you don't think you'll use it quickly, you can also refrigerate it to extend its shelf life; expect it to last about eight weeks in the fridge. And finally, lavash freezes well, so that's an option, too. Just make sure to seal it as air-tight as possible, and it will freeze for around six months.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.