Laura Dern, 53, Replaced Her Go-To Foundation With This Face Oil

Photo credit: Laura Dern
Photo credit: Laura Dern

From Women's Health

Laura Dern has been acting since the ripe age of 15, when she landed her first acting gig in Mask. Since then, she's gone on to star in a number of hits, including Jurassic Park, Wild, and Big Little Lies. But refreshingly, and almost shockingly, Laura has somehow managed to stay humble—even after growing up with two successful actor parents (Diane Ladd and Bruce Dern, ICYMI).

She told Into The Gloss that they showed her that being an actor was a "practical craft" and that "you worked hard and you went to work like other people went to work." Another practical piece of advice she learned from her mom: "when we buy something, we are investing in that company and we should want it to succeed and live up to our values,” she told Shape.

Laura practices this rule in all aspects of her life, including her beauty routine, where she's become a major advocate for choosing clean, sustainable products. Because while she wants a product to work (who doesn't?), she believes "there is beauty in age," as she told Allure. "It's very sexy to look in the mirror and go, 'Oh, here's what I look like now versus before and I'm gonna fucking go with it. I'm gonna honor it.'"

As for the term "beauty," Laura told Shape that it's actually her favorite word. “It’s what I call the women I love, the ones who make the room light up. My friends Reese Witherspoon and Greta Gerwig have this quality. They lead with light, and that’s what true beauty is to me.”

Laura also loves to indulge in products and has a very select few that she swears by to keep her skin looking its best even at 53.

She’s a major advocate for True Botanicals

"Guys, I'm in love with True Botanicals. They are the most extraordinary brand," Laura gushes to the camera in a video for Vogue. While the actress loves what they stand for—clean ingredients and being good for the planet—she also says they actually work better than anything she's tried. While she uses several of their products now, a favorite is their Pure Radiance Oil. She puts a few drops into the palm of her hands and presses them together before lightly pressing the product into her face.

She uses this probiotic mask once a week.

Another go-to for Laura is this face mask from Eminence. "It feels activating—I really, really like it. It feels like you're nourishing your skin and waking it up, like taking acidophilus," the actress told Into The Gloss.

She’s used the same moisturizer for 20 years!

Laura also shared with Into The Gloss that, on days when she's working or going to be wearing makeup, she applies Face Place Collagen Moisturizer. "I'll use the moisturizer and add the radiance oil to it and use that to help float the makeup so it's not going into my pores, to kind of protect it."

She obsessively sprays on this face mist.

Another True Botanicals favorite of Laura's: Their Nutrient Mist. She told W Magazine that it's the product she recommends everyone buy. "I have it in my bag; my son has it in his backpack. One of my best friends, who's an actor—male—is obsessed; I gave him one, and now he just sprays his face all day long. I love that the products are very unisex," Laura told W.

She keeps her makeup simple.

Since Laura is always loading on the makeup for her work, she keeps makeup to a minimum when she's off-duty. She says she gets it from her grandma, telling Vogue, "my grandma was all about good skincare, and a lip, and a little mascara—and that was it."

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