Last Duke of Sussex Was an Anti-Slavery Advocate

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From Town & Country

The Queen gave Prince Harry and Meghan Markle the royal titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex this morning before their wedding.

While Meghan Markle will be the first Duchess of Sussex, only one other man has held title of Duke of Sussex previously. That was Prince Augustus Frederick, who was born in 1773, was the sixth son and ninth child of King George III.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

Just like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the first Duke of Sussex was known for rebelling against royal traditions. He secretly married Lady Augusta Murray in Rome without getting the permission of his father first, which made his marriage void because he didn’t obey the Royal Marriages Act of 1772. Despite that, the Duke of Sussex continued to live with Lady Murray-who never gained the title of Duchess of Sussex. They had two children who also did not inherit the title.

But it was his liberal political views that fully estranged him from his father, according to the Royal Trust Collection. Not only did he advocate for Catholic emancipation, the removal of civil restrictions on Jews and dissenters and parliamentary reform, but also supported the abolition of the slave trade.

It's unclear if the Queen considered Prince Augustus Frederick's anti-slavery advocacy when choosing this title for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the title is fitting for the royal couple, especially considering all the ways Markle has used her celebrity status for advocacy and charity in her life so far.

Not only is Markle a Global Ambassador for World Vision, but also a One Young World Counsellor, fighting against gender inequality and other women's issues.

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