Can Lasers Restore Your Youth ‘Down There’?

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Urologist Dr. Jennifer Berman puts the Mona Lisa Touch laser procedure to the test. Will it help with her gynecological issues?

Dr. Berman says she been dealing with stress incontinence and dryness in the private parts. “I’m so excited about this new procedure that can help me,” she says. “And I was also told that it helps tighten things up a little too.”

Gynecologist Dr. Peter Weiss explains that in the Mona Lisa Touch procedure, “A CO2 fractionated laser treats women who have atrophic vaginitis in menopausal women, the thinning out and drying.” But it’s also helpful for women who haven’t yet reached menopause, like Dr. Berman. The laser encourages increased blood flow to the tissues down there, making them more youthful.

Watch: Woman Who Underwent Vaginal Rejuvenation Reacts to the Results

Three days later, Dr. Berman and Dr. Weiss join The Doctors. Dr. Weiss explains that the procedure was originally developed in Italy to treat menopausal women who’d had breast cancer, so couldn’t take estrogen. It addresses the thinning and drying of tissues, which can make intimacy painful, by stimulating new cell growth and increasing blood flow. “In my practice, we’re finding about 90 percent improvement with it,” he notes.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon notes that he uses similar CO2 fractionated lasers on his patients’ faces, but the Mona Lisa uses a probe specifically designed for a woman’s private area.

Watch: Vaginal Rejuvenation

Insurance usually doesn’t cover the procedure, which costs $500 to $1,000 per treatment, for three treatments total. Most patients will need annual repeats of the procedure to renew the effects.

Dr. Berman says she does notice some difference, and Dr. Weiss says that over the next couple of weeks she should see great improvements. And her urinary urgency is already gone! ER Physician Dr. Travis Stork says he likes this kind of non-surgical procedure. “It’s so much more benign!” he points out. “I think this is a great option.”