Lana Condor Is the Face of Old Navy’s “Sky’s the Limit” Campaign for International Women’s Day

Lana Condor may have only just begun her career as an actress, but in just one year, she’s broken barriers that have empowered women around the world. Her hit Netflix series To All The Boys I've Loved Before, in which she plays quirky Lara Jean Covey, became an instant sensation, with Internet stans falling in love with both Lana and her character. Not only are they both relatable and unapologetically themselves, but the casting was also a huge moment for Asian representation in Hollywood.

For International Women's Day, Lana is taking the momentum a step further and partnering with Old Navy on its "Sky's the Limit" campaign featuring a series of photos, including one showing Lana on top of a small plane wearing Old Navy's new limited-edition "Hero" tee. Old Navy is donating $25,000 from the sales of these shirts to CARE in support of P.A.C.E., Gap Inc.’s female education and empowerment program that supports apparel workers in developing countries. The shirt is available here for $12.

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Old Navy</cite>
Courtesy of Old Navy

After the shoot, Teen Vogue talked to Lana about what it means to be an empowered woman, which women inspire her, and, of course, what's going on with the new To All The Boys I've Loved Before season.

Teen Vogue: What does being an empowered woman mean to you? Lana Condor: For me, it means being confident and loving myself. I think it's so easy these days, especially with the influence of social media, to sometimes feel insecure. And so to me, feeling like a confident woman and believing in myself and knowing my worth makes me feel very empowered. Also standing up for myself. Because at the end of the day the only person who you can guarantee is gonna stick up for you is you, so you might as well just be the best, most powerful, and the strongest you to stick up for yourself and to fight for our rights as women and bring each other up instead of pushing each other down.

TV: Who are the women who inspire you?

LC: My mom. She's the strongest woman I know. She fights every day, and it's amazing. My costar on Deadly Class — her name is Maria Gabriela de Faria, and she inspires me because she is so passionate and so beautiful, and she is undyingly supportive in everything that I do. A friend of mine, Iliana, we met four years ago, and I had just gotten out of high school and I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and there were times where I felt I just wasn't secure. And I met this girl, Iliana, who's now one of my best friends, and she taught me that we have to celebrate each other and we have to celebrate each other's successes, and we have to support each other to raise each other up.

TV: You and Jenny Han (the author of TATBILB) seem to have a very close relationship. How has she inspired you?

LC: Listen, having Jenny in my life has changed my whole entire life. She's been my older sister. She is truly one of the most incredible people I have ever met. I love this woman, she is so graceful and direct and respectful, but she stands up for what she believes in, and she does what's right, and she truly has taught me so much about what it means to be a strong, independent woman and businesswoman, and I can't even believe I got so fortunate to have her in my life. I really, really look up to her, and I value her opinion and everything. She's just amazing.

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Old Navy</cite>
Courtesy of Old Navy

TV: If you could have lunch with any powerful woman, dead or alive, who would it be?

LC: I would love to have lunch with Michelle Obama — that would be insane.

TV: Your role in To All the Boys I've Loved Before was a major moment for Asian representation. How can we continue this type of progress for Asian women in Hollywood and beyond?

LC: We have to continue to write stories for Asian leads. All types of stories. We just have so many things to tell, so we need to continue writing scripts. We need to continue fighting to get cast in roles not just because of what we look like but because we're right for the role. We have to continue to be vocal and speak out, and we've had such an amazing year, but we have to continue to speak out and champion our voices, and yeah, we have to keep on powering through.

TV: The sequel of TATBILB is coming soon, and one of the things we love about Lara Jean is her style. How has she influenced your style, and will there be any changes in the next season?

LC: I think that her style is such a part of her identity, and she's so quirky in her fashion and that's just part of who she is, so I think she'll continue to be that way for sure. I think she's always dressed confidently. She's always been unapologetic in her fashion, so I don't know if it's gonna change that much, but we shall see.