Lady Gaga Just Dragged Ryan Seacrest During Her Red Carpet Interview

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

From Cosmopolitan

Lady Gaga, never one to let the opportunity to roast someone pass her by, just called out Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet for his, um, sometimes-questionable interview skills.

Basically, when they were chatting, Ryan made a statement at Gaga and then pointed the mic at her. But he didn't technically ask her a question, so she was like, "You didn't ask me a question." It was slightly uncomfortable!

You can kind of see it in this weird YouTube video.

But they were able to make a quick joke about it toward the end of the interview, with some classic Gaga facial expressions.

Either way, people are letting him HAVE IT on Twitter.

FYI, Lady already won an award tonight in the pre-show portion of the Grammys. Her song "Joanne" won Best Pop Solo Performance, and Gaga joked that she was so excited that she wouldn't be able to wear makeup because she was crying so much.

Congrats, Gaga!!

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