Lady Gaga Fans Are Convinced Katy Perry Just Shaded 'A Star Is Born' And They're Furious

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

The other day, Katy Perry was minding her own business on Twitter when she decided to mosey on over to Twenty One Pilots' feed and casually like one of their tweets. But not just any tweet. A tweet encouraging fans to buy their new album Trench instead of the A Star Is Born Soundtrack, which it's competing with ~in the charts~.

It seems pretty clear that this was an innocent like for the sake of LOLs, but now? Now Gaga's fans are spiraling over what they consider pure shade.

Meanwhile, Dua Lipa randomly decided to hop onto Instagram, find a Gaga tweet all the way from 2012, and pointedly like it.

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

We can all agree that this whole thing is somewhat messy, and now Katy is out here doing damage control. Not only did she *unlike* the Twenty One Pilots tweet, she made it fully clear that she supports Gaga by posting this:

In conclusion, watch your likes.

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