La Mer is Coming For My ‘Tech Neck’ With This New Concentrate

If you told me like, yesterday, that I would be fixing my fingers (chipped polish included) to type out this La Mer Neck & Décolleté Concentrate review, I wouldn’t have believed you. Better yet, I would have done my best brokedown version of Annalise Keating while walking out the door. I’m extremely no-frills about my beauty routine, even when it comes to those mostly unnecessary add-ons, like lip topper (still trying to figure out what that is).

annalise keating La Mer is Coming For My ‘Tech Neck’ With This New Concentrate
annalise keating La Mer is Coming For My ‘Tech Neck’ With This New Concentrate


As someone with a baby face—mostly blessing, sometimes curse—anything labeled anti-aging usually doesn’t entice me either; neck creams included. For the most part, they’re typically marketed with a generic and annoyingly redundant set of benefits that ironically feels aged...

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