Kylie Jenner Opens up About Pregnancy on Twitter

Photo credit: Instagram @KylieJenner
Photo credit: Instagram @KylieJenner

From Cosmopolitan

When Kylie Jenner released her "For Our Daughter" video, it was the first real glimpse the world had into her pregnancy. Since then, actual details on what went down in those nine months have been super scarce, and pics of Stormi on Instagram and sexy selfies from Kylie can only sustain the internet for so long, ya know? The world needs to know!

That changed last night when Kylie got real on Twitter about pregnancy, answering questions from fans about what carrying a baby was like and how motherhood is treating her. Someone asked her how Travis is as a dad, and she says he's great.

She said her pregnancy was relatively easy, but she couldn't eat one food in particular, which was hard for her.

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