Kumquat Is the Sweet-Tart Vitamin C Superhero You're Not Eating

From what they taste like to where to find them, give kumquats a chance.

No matter the time of year, we’re always craving citrus fruits. Their bright, cheerful color and juicy flavor are two things we can’t get enough of. Kumquats are a variety of citrus that aren’t as common as oranges or grapefruits, but offer a ton of delicious (albeit lip-puckering) tartness. But what are kumquats, exactly? If you come across kumquats in a grocery store, how do you cook with them? And are kumquats healthy? Here’s why kumquats deserve a place in your fruit basket.

What Are Kumquats?

Kumquats are a variety of citrus fruit native to China. It wasn’t until 1846 that they were introduced to Europe, and later, the United States. In the U.S., the majority of commercial kumquats are grown in California and Florida. Kumquats transform from tasting sweet on the first bite to super tart in a matter of seconds. Unlike other citrus fruits, the skin and flesh are both edible; surprisingly, the skin is sweeter than the flesh (compared to the bitter white pith found in lemons and oranges). Kumquats are closer in size and shape to a lime or large olive than an orange or grapefruit. There are six main varieties of kumquats that range in size, growing patterns, and texture—Round, Oval, Meiwa, Hong Kong, Jiangsu, and Malayan.

Shopping for and Storing Kumquats

Like most winter citrus fruit, kumquats are at their peak between January and April. When choosing kumquats, look for bright orange fruit that are plump, firm, and feel heavy for their size. Once you bring your kumquats home, you can leave them at room temperature for two to three days. If you’re not planning to use them immediately, place them in the crisper in your refrigerator for up to two weeks.

RELATED: The Major Mistake You're Making With Citrus Fruits—Plus How to Buy and Store Them

How to Cook With Kumquats

Kumquats can be snacked on like any fruit, but we also love topping salads with sliced kumquats or letting them take center stage on a savory cheese board. Their tart flavor pairs well with a mild soft cheese. You could juice kumquats for Tropical Lemonade or use them in place of lemon in a vinaigrette. If you’re not so keen to pucker, use them as a decoration, such as place card holders on a gorgeous holiday tablescape.

Health Benefits of Kumquats

A single kumquat has less than 100 calories and offers up to 73 percent of the recommended dose of vitamin C, 6.5 grams of fiber, and has a high water content, which keeps you fuller for longer.

RELATED: 13 Refreshing Citrus Recipes