Krista Stevens: Furry friends and good health: The benefits of animals on your well-being

In a world that sometimes feels like it's constantly moving at lightning speed, there's something profoundly therapeutic about the companionship of animals.

Whether you're a devoted dog lover, a cat enthusiast or even a reptile admirer, the presence of animals in our lives offers a wealth of physical and mental health benefits that are nothing short of remarkable.

The joyful bond with pets

It's no secret that pets bring an undeniable sense of happiness into our lives.

The wagging tails, purring cats and friendly chirps of birds can instantly lift our spirits and brighten our days.

Studies have shown that spending time with our animal companions releases a surge of oxytocin, the "love hormone," which fosters feelings of love and attachment.

This biochemical reaction is responsible for the deep emotional bond between humans and their furry, feathered or scaly friends.

Krista's previous three columns:

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Krista Stevens, Health columnist
Krista Stevens, Health columnist

Mental health magic

The positive impact of pets on mental health cannot be overstated. One of the most remarkable benefits is the reduction of stress and anxiety.

Just a few minutes of petting your dog or simply watching your fish swim gracefully in their tank can trigger a relaxation response in your body, leading to decreased cortisol levels — the hormone associated with stress.

For individuals battling depression, pets can serve as a beacon of hope. Their constant companionship offers a sense of purpose and responsibility that can be immensely therapeutic.

The act of caring for a pet can instill a daily routine, ensuring that you get out of bed, go for walks and engage in activities that might otherwise feel overwhelming during bouts of depression.

Pets are also terrific listeners, offering a non-judgmental ear during moments of emotional distress. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your pet can be cathartic, providing comfort when you need it most.

In fact, therapy animals, like certified therapy dogs and cats, are increasingly being used to support individuals dealing with a wide range of mental health challenges, from PTSD to autism spectrum disorders.

The power of laughter and play

Anyone who has ever watched a kitten chase a piece of string or seen a dog perform a victory dance after fetching a ball knows the power of playfulness.

Pets have an uncanny ability to bring laughter and joy into our lives. Their playful antics not only provide entertainment but also stimulate our brains and release endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals.

Incorporating playtime with your pet into your daily routine can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Whether it's a game of fetch, a cuddle session, or even just a few belly rubs, these moments of connection can foster a sense of happiness that ripples throughout your day.

Responsible pet ownership: A vital consideration

While the benefits of pet ownership are profound, it's crucial to remember that owning a pet is a lifelong commitment that should not be taken lightly.

Responsible pet ownership involves ensuring the physical and emotional well-being of your animal companion.

Before bringing a pet into your life, take the time to research the specific needs and requirements of the species or breed you're interested in.

Consider your own lifestyle and make sure it aligns with the demands of pet care.

Remember, pets are not accessories; they are living beings that depend on you for their health and happiness.

Adopting from shelters and rescue organizations is an admirable way to provide a loving home to animals in need.

It's also important to spay or neuter your pets to prevent overpopulation and reduce the number of animals in shelters.

Providing proper nutrition, regular veterinary care, exercise and socialization are essential components of responsible pet ownership.

It's a journey filled with unconditional love and countless rewards, but it's one that requires dedication and responsibility.

A prescription for well-being

In life, pets are the colorful threads that weave together moments of joy, comfort and companionship.

Their presence in our lives brings an abundance of physical and mental health benefits, from reduced stress to increased happiness.

As we navigate the modern world, let us not forget the simple pleasures that our animal friends offer.

In their wagging tails and soothing purrs, we find happiness, laughter and a profound connection that can elevate our lives in ways we never imagined.

So, whether you're already a proud pet owner or considering opening your heart and home to a furry companion, remember that the path to well-being is often paved with paw prints and filled with unconditional love.

Cherish every moment with your pets, for they are not just companions; they are our healers and our ever-faithful friends on the journey to a happier, healthier life.

Krista Stevens in a graduate of the University of Florida. To find out more, see:



Got questions? Contact Krista at

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Here's how owning a pet can improve your health, well-being