Kourtney Kardashian's Son Mason Already Has His Own Multi-Step Skincare Routine

Kourtney Kardashian's Son Mason Already Has His Own Multi-Step Skincare Routine

Kourtney Kardashian is working to ensure her kids know and appreciate the important self-care rituals her mother Kris Jenner showed her growing up.

Kourtney appeared in a recent clip for Harper's Bazaar's "Go to Bed with Me" series, where she detailed her own nighttime skincare routine she employs every day before bed. While showing off how she gets ready to partake in some good, old-fashioned beauty sleep with her own selection of skincare products, she explained how Kris made sure all of her children learned exactly how important it was to take care of themselves inside and out from an early age.

"My mom has always instilled in us self-care and taking care of ourselves," Kourtney explained. "She always taught us, from young kids, when you get out of the shower, you put on lotion. She taught us how to shave our legs." As such, these are all skills Kourtney is working to pass down to her own children, including her eldest son Mason.

"Mason, even, I just went through a whole skincare routine with him," she said of her eldest son. "We started, we did a mask, we did everything, we wrote down all the steps and we put it in his drawer in his bathroom and he loves to do it and feel like he’s taking care of his skin." Kourtney didn't detail exactly what kind of products Mason uses, but the fact that he has a routine at all is great news. It's never too early to get into the skincare game.

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"I think that it is an important thing to teach girls and boys, how my mom taught us, to take care of ourselves," Kourtney concluded.

Mason just celebrated his 10th birthday, which means he's getting started early enough to build healthy habits for life. Kourtney didn't go into whether or not she's gone over any of the same steps with her other children Penelope or Reign, but if she hasn't just yet, they're important life skills that are likely on the way, as the Kardashian clan obviously takes skincare seriously.

Maybe Mason has a full line of Kylie Skin products generously provided for him by his aunt?