Kourtney Kardashian Thinks Someone She ‘Trusts’ Is Stealing From Her

Life with the Kardashians is never, ever dull. They should really have their own show—oh wait! They do. On a new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kourtney Kardashian finds herself on the hunt for a thief after losing a few hundred dollars and an iPad. Kourtney Kardashian’s reaction to the “stealing” on KUWTK is nothing short of surreal.

The ~mystery~ begins in a scene on Sunday’s episode. Kourtney and Khloé are chilling in the bedroom chatting about cookie jars (??) when Kourtney’s assistant comes into the room to reveal that some cash is missing from Kourt’s wallet after a night out. Cue ominous music! Kourtney remains very calm while she explains: “I specifically...

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