Are These Korean Snacks Cookies? Crackers? Who Cares—They’re Delicious

This is Highly Recommend, a column dedicated to our very opinionated editors’ favorite things to eat, drink, and buy.

After 30 years of munching my way through Choco Pies, shrimp crackers, and fistfuls of honey butter chips, I understand that Koreans know WHAT is UP when it comes to perfectly engineered snacks. They’re always just the right balance of sweet, salty, and umami MSG, and lest you think they’re only age-appropriate for children 12 and under, look no further than Orion Gosomi, the best-ever tea cookie that’s way too classy to be called “junk food.”

These thin sesame biscuits are delightfully crisp and nutty, studded with sesame seeds and with just the tiniest hint of coconut. They’re finished with a sprinkle of crunchy sugar and, critically, SALT, which is why when you bite into Gosomi, every little node in your brain’s pleasure center lights up like a pinball machine. The best way to eat it, if you’re a weirdo (me), is by placing a biscuit on your tongue and letting it slowly dissolve, like a soda cracker.

No one can quite agree on what, exactly, Gosomi is. Amazon describes it as a “sweet cookie cracker,” while other retailers refer to it as a “cookie,” “cracker,” and “biscuit.” (A mini Korean lesson: The “goso” in “gosomi” refers to a word that doesn’t have an English equivalent, but it roughly means “sweet and savory in a nutty way.”) Me? I don’t care what you call it. But I do challenge you to not eat a sleeve of these at a time, especially alongside a hot cup of nutty herbal tea like roasted dandelion or burdock root at approximately 3:04 p.m. on a Tuesday.

Buy it: Orion Gosomi Sweet Cookie Cracker, $10 on Amazon

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Originally Appeared on Bon Appétit