This Kopari Cleanser Makes Your Skin Glow Like 10 Days On a Beach

Tropical Glow Cleanser
Tropical Glow Cleanser


The thought of a beach vacation right now is tantalizing. Visualize sitting in a lounge chair on the sand, turquoise waves lapping as you read a good book in the shade. Piña coladas and mojitos are on tap. Reef-safe sunscreen spreads easily on your warmed skin before you head into the ocean to snorkel or paddleboard.

Alas, who knows how many months it'll be until even part of that dream can become a reality thanks to the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic. But if you're stuck inside through the harsh winter climate outside much of the country's windows right now, there is one small way to escape the tundra: a cleanser that shoppers say smells like an island getaway and makes their skin glow like they just took 10 days off work. (Related: The 9 Best Pore Cleansers That Actually Remove Dirt, Oil, and Build-Up)

According to reviewers on the brand's website, the Kopari Tropical Glow Cleanser (Buy It, $24, has a scent reminiscent of a tropical vacation, a much-needed reprieve from the cold temps and the rough, flaky skin that comes with it. (See: Is a Winter Rash to Blame for Your Dry, Red Skin?)

Customers say the gel cleanser is so moisturizing that it makes dry spots "practically disappear" while removing makeup. Plus, they claim it smells so good they're actually motivated to wash their face (even when lazy-girl syndrome takes over).

Tropical Glow Cleanser
Tropical Glow Cleanser


Buy It: Kopari Tropical Glow Cleanser, $24,

Even people with super-sensitive skin write that the cleanser leaves their faces amazingly soft and free of irritation, and that it's saved them from harsh, drying temps that otherwise turn their skin into a nightmare. For those in sunnier climes, one California shopper says the cleanser is like a refreshing drink of water. Makes sense: Per the brand, the formula is loaded with pineapple and papaya enzymes that gently dissolve dead skin cells, with coconut water and coconut fruit extract sourced from small family farms in the Philippines.

Aloe vera juice and extracts from apricot, vanilla, tonka bean, ylang-ylang, apple, and banana come together to create a cleanser "packed with electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals," and people truly cannot say enough good things about the one-two punch of a delicious scent and an ingredient list that babies their faces. Some call it the ″best cleanser ever,″ noting that it smells so relaxing and beachy, it takes them back to summer with each use.

Equally important is that the Kopari cleanser formula is free of hormone-disrupting ingredients, such as parabens and phthalates, as well as the stripping sulfates that some cleansers include. The glow is so undeniable that one shopper says it convinced them to replace the scrub they had been committed to for a decade; others agree that the effects are unparalleled, with one person writing that it cleared up stubborn acne within a week.

One reviewer with sensitive skin says this Kopari cleanser is now a favorite part of their beauty routine — it's so good, they have nothing but good things to say about it. Buy it for yourself at only a $24 tube. Just think — that's way cheaper than an actual trip to the tropics.