Koa Rothman, Parko, Dingo, and More Surf Pumping Australia

Koa Rothman in Australia with Joel Parkinson
Parko’s still got it. Photo: YouTube

For those who enjoy watching really good surfers surf, it’s always a bit of a bummer when a legend calls it quits. Of course, they don’t stop surfing, they just stop surfing in contests, aside from a few specialty events here and there.

Joel Parkinson is definitely a guy whose surfing is missed on the tour, but it’s tough to blame him for hanging up the jersey.

Koa Rothman headed to Australia and, after a gruelingly long travel stint, he arrived there, not quite as fresh as he probably would have liked to be. A missed flight and a bunch of hours later, the first session of the trip made the whole thing worthwhile.

He met up with Parko and Dingo, but they weren’t the only pro surfers out there. Josh Kerr, Occy, Ryan Hipwood, and more all showed their faces in some pretty dang good waves.

The post Koa Rothman, Parko, Dingo, and More Surf Pumping Australia first appeared on The Inertia.