How to Know If You're Dealing With Brain Fog

Photo credit: Jamie Grill - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jamie Grill - Getty Images

You’re late for work, and as you head out the door, you run back inside because you forgot your……what? What the heck did you forget? You’ve got your phone, your keys, your laptop. Shoot. A moment ago, whatever it was seemed important enough to stop you in your tracks. And now, it’s lost now in the mist of brain fog.

This scenario — and c’mon, we’ve all been there — isn’t surprising, because one big cause of brain fog is stress, and there’s sure enough of that to go around these days, even just during those times when you’re running late. But stress is only one of the things that can lead to that fuzzy-mind feeling. Brain fog, or difficulty thinking or concentrating, can also be a symptom of long COVID.

We talked to some top-notch brain experts to get the low-down on brain fog, and hopefully give you some relief.

What is brain fog?

First, here’s what it’s not: a defined medical condition. Brain fog is the name we use to describe a mushy, sluggish, fuzzy mind. It’s that feeling when you have a hard time focusing or remembering stuff (like that … whatever it was … you were going to bring to work). It’s the opposite of feeling sharp and in tune.

“Think of a foggy day when you can still see, but it’s like there’s a film over the horizon,” says Sandra Chapman, Ph.D., founder and director of the Center for Brain Health, and professor of behavioral and brain sciences at the University of Texas/Dallas. “A person experiencing brain fog can still think and work – but the input is fuzzier and takes longer to process, and the output is not up to par. Your capacity for clarity, concentration, memory, speed and innovative thinking are all reduced.”

But even though it’s not a defined medical condition, that doesn’t mean it’s not important. “Brain fog needs to be taken seriously,” says Dr. Chapman. “It’s one of the most common indicators that the brain’s engines — its complex neural systems — aren’t working at normal capacity and efficiency. And brain fog is more common than many realize because it has so many causes.”

What causes brain fog?

A fuzzy brain can be caused by some medical issues, including COVID, concussion, chemotherapy and medication side effects. It’s also common during perimenopause and menopause (more on that below), as well as these three very common factors:


As mentioned, a frazzled mind can mess with your cognitive function — though in some circumstances, stress is a positive thing, according to the American Institute of Stress. It can also sharpen memory. You’ve heard of the fight-or-flight reaction? That’s when your brains flashes “Danger! Danger!” and in response, it releases neurochemicals and hormones to help us stay safe. But when stress is chronic, those chemicals and hormones stick around longer than they should, and eventually a particular part of the brain (the hippocampus) gets overwhelmed. Since the hippocampus takes in new info, brain fog can be the result. As Dr. Chapman explains, “Stress increases cortisol – a toxic stress hormone in the brain that degrades memory, concentration and new learning.”

Lack of sleep

It seems completely expected that sleep would be a big factor in brain fog: Not enough snoozing leads to fatigue, which leads to a super-tired brain. “Sleep is the ultimate restorative,” says Gayatri Devi, MD, clinical professor of neurology, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and director of Park Avenue Neurology. “Better than a spa, sleep helps the brain reset its functions. It's helpful to prevent anxiety, and it’s important for consolidating different types of memory.” Lack of sleep can bring on poor concentration, according to NIH research.

But there’s another reason sleep is so critical to a sharp noggin: When you’re in deep sleep, important brain cleansing is going on. In a small 2019 study, researchers in Boston discovered what they called a “rinse cycle,” repeated waves of blood and cerebrospinal fluid that help sweep away toxic waste from the brain. “Sleep is the time when the brain's ‘sanitation system’ is most efficient at clearing some daily toxic byproducts,” says Dr. Devi. Adds Dr. Chapman, “Too little – and even too much – sleep can lead to brain fog. The brain’s cleaning service works during deep sleep to clear out the toxins that build up in the brain during the day.”


You may be proud of your ability to multitask — and also feel like it’s a necessity to simply get the day’s tasks done. But Dr. Chapman says emphatically that juggling many things at once can lead to brain fog. “Multitasking reduces agility and stability of mental concentration,” she says. “The brain is not wired for multitasking; when you’re doing it, the brain is actually switching quickly between tasks, which keeps your thinking superficial and fatigues the brain. It also increases cortisol, the stress hormone.”

Photo credit: Baac3nes - Getty Images
Photo credit: Baac3nes - Getty Images

Why Perimenopause and Menopause Cause Brain Fog

Since symptoms such as hot flashes can disrupt sleep and spike anxiety, this phase of a woman’s life can be marked by forgetfulness and other brain-foggy symptoms, research shows. And there also seems to be a hormonal connection to brain fog, connected to the ebb of estrogen that happens during the transition. “Sixty percent of women worldwide complain of cognitive changes with menopause, and these complaints are borne out by objective testing,” says Dr. Devi. “They most often have trouble with word-finding and recall. This is related to the plummeting levels of estrogen in the brain with perimenopause and menopause. Estrogen docking sites are present in the hippocampus, which is important for memory function.”

Other symptoms:

As noted above, brain fog is a symptom of stress, certain medication or another medical condition. But you might notice these other feelings when you're experiencing brain fog:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Headaches

  • Feeling confused

  • Forgetfulness

  • Difficulty concentrating

Strategies for Preventing Brain Fog

  1. Lower your tension level. Make it a priority to do something each day to try and lessen your stress levels and capture some calm in your life, whether that’s a mindfulness or meditation practice, a calming walk, yoga or time to yourself to read, do a jigsaw puzzle, stretch or whatever it is that brings you peace.

  2. Make sleep a priority. Figure out a healthier sleep routine for yourself, which includes staying away from screens for an hour before you turn in, and going to bed and waking up at about the same time each day. Both of these things have head-to-toe health payoffs that go beyond a clearer head!

  3. Move your body regularly. “Exercise is important for a multitude of reasons, including keeping the brain healthy,” says Dr. Devi. “During aerobic exercise, the brain has actually been shown to grow new nerve cells — particularly in the area of the hippocampus, which is important for memory. Exercise also increases blood flow to the brain. In fact, exercising increases cognition by approximately 10%.”

More tips to help strengthen brain systems and overcome brain fog:

  • Take 5- to 10-minute brain breaks at least five times a day, removing yourself from all stimulation.

  • Spend some time outside in nature.

  • Keep up mentally stimulating activities. Since the level of brain fog fluctuates over the day, tackle harder tasks when you feel clearer and more automatic ones when you feel foggy-minded.

  • Avoid multitasking, as it disrupts the brain’s efficiency and increases cortisol.

  • Eat healthy – what’s good for the heart is good for the brain!

Note: If you're experiencing severe or constant brain fog, or if it's impacting your daily life, you should speak to your doctor immediately. You may need to see a neurologist or another specialist to help manage your symptoms.

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