What to Know About Grapefruit Seed Extract

Medically reviewed by Allison Herries, RDN

Grapefruit seed extract is made from the seed, pulp, and membranes of grapefruit. The extract is ground down and then combined with glycerin. Grapefruit seed extract (GFSE) should not be confused with grapefruit seed oil or grape seed extract (GSE).

The extract has been marketed as having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties with several health benefits. However, many claims about its benefits remain unfounded.

Importantly, there is a history of commercial GFSE products being contaminated with synthetic antimicrobial compounds that can be harmful in large amounts. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to purchase GFSE supplements.

This article will review GFSE supplements, including the potential risks and what to consider.

<p>Getty Images / Alexander Spatari</p>

Getty Images / Alexander Spatari

What the Research Says About Grapefruit Seed Extract

Supplement use should be individualized and vetted by a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, pharmacist, or healthcare provider. No supplement is intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

There are claims that grapefruit seed extract can be used to treat fungal or bacterial infections. It has been shown to have some antibacterial properties.

Many GFSE products have been found to be adulterated with the preservative benzethonium chloride, an antibacterial agent. Lab studies have indicated that the benefits related to GFSE have been due to the synthetic antibacterial agent.

However, there is no research to support any of the health claims about GSFE. In fact, there are no prospective randomized clinical trials on the effects of consuming GFSE alone in humans.


There is not a lot of information available on the safety of GFSE. Also, bear in mind there have been reports of synthetic additives in commercial GFSE products that are not listed on the product's label.

It would be best to avoid supplements that lack safety data for pregnant and nursing individuals and children. You should also not use GFSE if you have a citrus allergy.

Speak to your primary care provider, pharmacist, or a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) if you are considering GFSE . They may be able to recommend alternative remedies that have fewer risks or an over-the-counter or prescription treatment, depending on your needs.

Dosage: How Much Grapefruit Seed Extract Should I Take?

There is no standard dose recommended for GFSE.

Given the lack of the research on this particular supplement, doses used in research studies are also not available.


Always speak with a healthcare provider before taking a supplement to ensure that the supplement and dosage are appropriate for your individual needs. 

Grapefruit Interactions

Grapefruit is known to interact with several medications.

Medications with grapefruit interactions include but are not limited to:

Grapefruit may also interact with certain herbal medicines. Discuss your complete medication list and any supplements you take with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before adding a grapefruit-based supplement to your regimen.

When you pick up a prescription medication from the pharmacy, read the patient information sheet or product label to see if your drug is affected by grapefruit. Ask the pharmacist if you're unsure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is grapefruit seed extract the same as grapefruit seed oil?

No. Grapefruit seed extract is a liquid made from the seeds, pulp, and membranes of a grapefruit. The oil is expressed from the rind of the grapefruit and is intended for use in oils, soaps, or cosmetics. The oil is typically used on the skin or as aromatherapy and is not intended to be ingested.

Does grapefruit seed extract help treat candida?

GFSE has been promoted to fight Candida, a fungal infection that mostly occurs in and around the mouth (thrush).

While GFSE has long been thought to have antifungal and antimicrobial properties, no human research supports its use for treating thrush. Nutritional supplements are also not intended to treat any disease or infection.

Your best bet is to consult with a healthcare provider about evidence-based treatments for the infection.

Sources of Grapefruit Seed Extract & What to Look For

Grapefruit seed extract supplements are available as liquid concentrates, tablets, and capsules. GFSE has also been formulated in mouthwashes, drops, and other personal care products.

Some supplements contain GFSE, but others may have a mixture of extracts. It is important to read the supplement's facts and ingredients label.

That being said, some GFSE supplements have been found to be adulterated with chemicals, such as benzethonium chloride and triclosan. These chemicals are found antibacterial soaps and cleansers and could be harmful if ingested in high doses.


Dietary supplements are not regulated like drugs in the United States, meaning the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve them for safety and effectiveness before products are marketed. When possible, choose a supplement tested by a trusted third party, such as U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), ConsumerLab.com, or NSF

However, even if supplements are third-party tested, they are not necessarily safe for all or effective in general. Therefore, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider about any supplements you plan to take and inquire about potential interactions with other supplements or medications.


Grapefruit seed extract supplements are marketed for numerous conditions, but their ability to provide any sort of benefit remains uncertain. GFSE products also carry risks of interactions with medications and potential contamination. Given this, plus the lack of any supporting research, the risks of taking these supplements likely outweigh the supposed benefits.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.