Kitty Hops on Board Popular Trend and Explains 'Cat Math'

Ever heard of the trends 'Girl Math' or even 'Boy Math?' If you have, then you need to hear about 'Cat Math.' It's a term used by cat owners to describe the sometimes baffling or inexplicable behaviors of their pets. You won't want to miss this adorable TikTok video where a furry feline friend, known as Roro, takes on this new trend.

In the footage, Roro shows a series of charming and puzzling cat behaviors that are super relatable for your average cat owner. Watch the clip of this adorable cat right now!

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After watching Roro's video, I'll bet you can't help but laugh at some of the silly things our cats do. From sitting on small boxes to knocking things off tables, cats definitely have their own unique way of interpreting the world around them.

Did you know that the odd things our cats do are actually pretty logical? For example, cats sit in small boxes because it mimics the sensation of feeling safe or protected. If you dislike it when your cat knocks things off the counter, remember this is because of their hunting instinct. This instinct is also why you see them chasing shadows and reflections; they are always in defense mode or sometimes just engaging their curiosity and love for playtime. Lastly, purring is a way for your cat to express if they're happy or in pain or distress.

I hope you get a good laugh out of this video as well as some knowledge of your pet. Many of these odd things do serve a purpose for their survival and overall well-being. When we understand these behaviors, it can help us take better care and appreciate our pets.

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