Kitten's Reaction to Her Very First Bath Is So Cute and Unexpected

She doesn't hate it like other cats do!

When it comes to pet stereotypes, some are more accurate than others. Of course, even relatively true cliches--like the one about cats hating water--have their exceptions. And that's where kitten Azia Lore comes in.

Though she's a grown-up cat now, Azia's owner Ryan posted the most adorable (and surprising) throwback video on their TikTok account, @ryan_and_azia. Just wait until you see how calm she is while getting a bath--even as a young kitten!

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Is it just us, or did this kitten seem to like the water? She definitely didn't seem to be panicked or concerned about it! It helped that Ryan was so gentle and used very shallow water, but given her feline background, it's still a surprise.

"Omg you’re so gentle it’s so cute," commented @sw33tsp07. Exactly! Even if Azia didn't hate the water to begin with, that definitely made her first bath a positive experience. Other cat owners wish they could say the same!

Still, so many commenters praised the kitty for her excellent bathtime behavior. @Avenlot said, "she’s been a good girl from the beginning," and we most definitely agree. She didn't fuss at all during her bath! And the bond between her and her dad? Precious!

"As a fellow cat dad, I’ve followed y’all forever," @theislandboy843 said. "It’s so wholesome. I greatly appreciate you sharing your love and experience with us! We love Azia." We love her, too! As we saw in so many of her TikTok videos, she seems like such a sweet, calm kitty. She's basically an angel!

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