Kite Surfer in Australia Has Once-In-A-Lifetime Encounter With Stingray

Sometimes people end up in the right place at the right time, and that was certainly the case for a kite surfer who was enjoying the waves in Shark Bay, Australia! ABC News shared a clip on Wednesday, April 10th of a man who got an unexpected surprise while he sped along the water as the sun shined down from above.

The man was enjoying the ride and recording the adventure when a huge stingray leapt from the water right next to him! The delight in his voice will bring a smile to your face, so make sure your sound is on so you can hear his excitement at the once-in-a-lifetime run in!

How cool was that? I'm sure the stingray was probably just as surprised as the kite surfer was! I love that the man turned the camera on himself so that he could record his own excitement at the unexpected surprise. In the caption, ABC News said, "The man said he spotted a dark shadow in the water, and when he went to take a look, the sea creature launched itself across his path." Commenters argued over whether the ray was a stingray or Manta ray. @Nature Nick said, "That's not a stingray folks. ABC News can't even get animals facts right." Another commenter said surely, "That’s a Manta Ray", and @Florida32/33 replied, "Definitely not."

Related: Florida Surfer's Once-in-a-Lifetime Manatee Encounter Is the Stuff of Dreams

The Difference Between Stingrays and Manta Rays

It's clear that just by looking at stingrays and Manta rays they look very similar, and they have some other similarities too. Both have similar looking long tails and cartilage instead of bones (they are closely related to ocean dwelling sharks). They also both leap out of the water like the ray in this video. So how do we tell them apart?

According to American Oceans, Manta rays are much bigger than stingrays, which is the easiest noticeable difference between the two. "Manta rays are the largest rays in the sea. While the average Manta ray is around 15 feet, it can reach up to 30 feet in length, 23 feet across its disc and wide pectoral fins. They can weigh up to 6,600 pounds." On the other hand, stingrays only grow to about 6-1/2 feet in length and weigh up to 790 pounds. Both are very big animals, but Manta rays are twice the size of stingrays and can outweigh them by thousands of pounds.

Manta rays do not have a stinger on their tail, and they do not have teeth; they're completely harmless. Stingrays sting and do have stingers; their poison can be fatal, as was the case with Steve Irwin. Both also eat different things, and their mouths are located on different parts of their bodies.

Manta rays have a distinct triangular shape, and stingrays have a flat, round body. Honestly, I can't tell in the video what the creature is, but either way, it was cool to see!

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