King Combs Still Stands By This Childhood Favorite Snack

King Combs has a busy life. The rapper, model, and singer wears many hats and needs a solid diet and workout routine to stay on top of everything. So Men's Health stopped by his place in Los Angeles, California to take a quick look at his gym and fridge.

The top shelf in Combs' fridge stays stocked with juice. He likes to get a smoothie in before a workout, and also adds in frozen fruit like strawberries. For breakfast, he goes for an omelette. Then lunch consists of chicken and rice, and maybe a salad. Combs says his dinner go-to is a ribeye or soul food, with vegetables on the side.

Combs says he used to eat fried foods every day, but has since changed his diet for the better. Now he's all about grilled chicken and salmon. One staple from his childhood he keeps around, though, is Yoo-hoo. Especially after it's been in the freezer for a while. "It tastes like a Hershey bar, melted," he says. and whipped up with some extra vanilla in it."

When it comes to his dad's (the very famous rapper/producer/mogul Diddy) cooking, Combs admits that the older Combs isn't much of a chef. Recently, however, he did make the whole family spaghetti, which King admits wasn't bad. "The one and only meal he's made," he says.

Then onto the workout. Combs hits the gym about four times a week. Growing up, Combs played football and basketball, which meant he focused on cardio more than strength. but these days, he's focused on pull-ups, push-ups, and other strength training exercises.

Combs' favorite exercise, though, is sit-ups. Growing up he noticed his older brother Justin worked out and developed abs. His secret? Sit-ups. And it's been Combs' go-to exercise ever since. On the other hand, while he may like running in sports, he's not a fan of running on its own. To get in cardio by himself, he likes to go for a swim.

Overall, Combs says his motivation for working out is to look good, but also to have that irresistible action-hero look. "I grew up watching movies where they had the dude come and take all of the girls that had his shirt off with the six pack," he says. "So I was like, 'Hold on, I might need to try that.'"

To learn more about how Combs fuels himself for his modeling and rapping career, check out the full video.

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