King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed review: a old yet familiar tale of fake news and a nation divided

Alice Roberts in Tintagel - BBC
Alice Roberts in Tintagel - BBC

King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed (BBC Two) was a bit of a misnomer. There was no King Arthur, according to the programme which bore his name. His heroic legend was conjured up by cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth six centuries later. Fake news pure and simple. So whose Britain was it anyway?

We’re in the dark about the Dark Ages when not a lot got written down. But it turns out the land is an open book to those who speak the language. We met one such person here, a dogged archaeologist called Dominic Powlesland, who has been reading a legible patch of Yorkshire for 40 years. His conclusion: not much fighting happened in this era of supposedly violent conflict between the Britons and the Saxons, who didn’t so much invade eastern England as slip over and discreetly integrate.

Meanwhile, over in Arthur’s alleged redoubt on the westerly island of Tintagel, a dig turned up lovely tableware from the far end of the Med. But the table in question can’t have been round as all of the unearthed huts were all rectangles, and small.

There were more archaeologists in this story than a lady in a lake could shake a sword at. They had names like Scutt and Gossip, and spoke with lucid calm as they rewrote history.

The presenter was Professor Alice Roberts, whose own job description includes osteoarchaeologist, physical anthropologist and palaeopathologist. She also has a gorgeous loamy Bristolian accent. If only the grammar of television didn’t require her to present all these findings as her own. “I think I’ve found something more interesting than Arthur, etc…” And there was perhaps no need to position Arthurian legend as a Hollywood action movie, or Excalibur as a weapon of mass destruction. The cheap, repetitive animations didn’t help here.

But the film composted a wealth of research into a diligent hour of sleuthing. A tale unfolded of Britain split right down the middle, blessed with frictionless immigration and peaceable trade with the continent over the water. Does this sound familiar?