Kindergarten teacher creates classroom magic and helps build confidence

CHICAGO — It’s already time for WGN’s final Teacher of the Month of the school year.

Blair brodie is a kindergarten teacher in Chicago and she’s a real wizard in the classroom.

At Brentano Math and Science Academy in Logan Square, Brodie has a bag full of tricks and is creating magic in the classroom.

Five years ago she started training and volunteering with the group open heart magic at Lurie Children’s Hospital.

“It teaches kids to kind of create their own magic, be creative, be unique and do things you love,” she said.

And she loves creating unforgettable memories for her students.

Nominate your favorite educator for Teacher of the Month here!

Christy Vazquez nominated Miss Brodie for teacher of the month. She says her twin girls have had a ton of growth this school year and their teacher has made a big impact interacting with everyone in the school community.

“I just wanted to thank her,” Vazquez said. “And she’s super deserving of this.”

Geoff Jacobs from the award sponsor Ankin Law stopped by the school to deliver a check for $1,000.

“To get honored like this is huge. People do see you see what you’re doing with the kids, so it makes it all worth it for sure,” Brodie said.

See past Teacher of the Month winners here

She wants her students to remember they can do things independently and leave kindergarten with the magic word – confidence!

“It’s so fun to see when they start getting the ideas, they start reading and it clicks. They’re so excited they start getting that confidence. That’s my favorite thing,” Brodie said.

She  says she’ll use the award money to buy classroom supplies.

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