Kind Chicken Owners Create Brilliant Way To Keep Their Flock Warm

It's a cozy chicken cuddle party!

Good pet owners know that it's imperative to take your cat or dog inside, or at least provide them heated shelter, when the weather gets cold outside. TikTok account holder and chicken mom @Bee.Jeweled.Coop understands that this also holds true for chickens, and when the weather dipped 50 degrees they became worried about their flock of chickens getting frostbite. 

Watch the following video to see what this kind chicken owner did in order to keep their flock warm! It truly is (Sorry, had to!) heartwarming

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Now the chickens have their own little tent in the garage for when the weather gets nasty! TikTok users are charmed by this with @ChristyKirby commenting, "You are the best chicken mom!! Lucky chickens!" @Emailai ran into the same problem with the weather, and adds, "Our chickens and rabbits are currently in the basement in dog crates…this is a great idea!! Our dogs are pretty entertained by it though." It's like a free dog entertainment show! @DaisyKate says, "The tent is a brilliant idea! My chickens are currently making a mess of my basement floor." 

Fellow chicken owner @Casandra comments, "Welp here in ID we hit -32 and all my girls stayed out & did great! Our coop/run is fully wrapped in painters plastic for winter though." Not so lucky is TikTok user @Deniserutkowski12 who sadly replies, "I freaking wish I would have done this. I listened to everyone saying they will be fine, just block the wind, some said no heat, and definitely no heat lamps. I am now on my 4th day of trying to heal my rooster who may lose his comb and wattles." Oh no! 

The moral of the story is you have to do what you feel will best protect your flock, and if that means a tent in the garage of cozy chickens, so be it! 

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