Kim Kardashian Says Things Are Different with Her Newest Surrogate


Kim Kardashian is using a surrogate for the second time as she expands her family with baby number four, and she described the experience as much less stressful than the first time around.

In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, the 38-year-old revealed that her surrogate is not the same woman that carried her now one-year-old daughter, Chicago, but because she knows what to expect from the process, she's much more relaxed — meaning no more late-night texts and calls.

<p>Michael Kovac/Getty Images</p>

Michael Kovac/Getty Images

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"It's a different experience for sure, this situation is different," she told ET. "I love my surrogate, we have a really good relationship. I really trust her and I definitely see, like, the first time that I went through it, I was a little bit more anxious, and texting more and calling more, and I feel like my surrogate this time around, really is such a protecting person and I really trust that in her."

She went on, "I feel really calm and at ease. I don't know if it's a fourth kid thing or, we've been through the surrogacy before, you just get a little bit more calm as they go."

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Some fans were surprised that Kim was up for having another kid after her first three, though ET notes that she's spoken about how much she wants a big family in the past. It's also something that her husband, Kanye West, has spoken about. Sources told the show that Kim was freaking out at first — something that fans saw in the Keeping Up With the Kardashians season 16 premiere — but it's clear she's calmed down since. The success of her first surrogacy could have something to do with it. The source also mentioned that this could be the last child for the couple, though anyone who manages to keep up with the Kardashians knows that things can change.

"Their first time with surrogacy went so well, they decided to do it again," the source said. "The couple is excited to welcome such an incredible gift in 2019. They’ve also talked that after this child, they are most likely done having kids."