Kim Kardashian's Old Tweets Are a Bright Spot In Our Dark World

[MUSIC] "Forgot to post this last night," the mom of three captioned the bikini Instagram. Based on the beachy waves and dramatic blue eyeshadow, this may be a behind-the-scenes selfie...Or just a casual Monday night. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]

The Kim Kardashian that we know and love today is curated to a T. She’s a trend-setting multi-millionaire mother of three, and if you forgot that used to tweet the catchphrase “tweet dreams” daily, we’re here to remind you.

Kim, who turns 38 on Oct. 21, has done a complete 180 in the past 5 years, much of which is attributed to husband Kanye West’s, um, influence. And while the new Kim’s image has certainly elevated her celebrity status, there are bits of the old Miss Kardashian that we miss dearly (read: her completely insane tweets).

That Kim is dead and gone now, but we shall always have the (screenshots) of her tweets.

In honor of Kim’s birthday, please enjoy these musings from 2009-10.

You’re welcome.

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Keeping Up With the Kardashians was *this* close to being a psychic dentist show.

Walmart 4evr.

Imagine a universe in which Kim starred in the Hills reboot ...

What do Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian's jeep have in common? More than you'd think:

New catchphrase alert:

An important lesson in Internet slang:


Before she was the reigning monarch of social media, she ruled a very different kingdom ...

Germany is Vonderfull.

That neon green Lambo can GTFO.

2D is *so* 2008.

This is a case for the FBI.

Same, Kim, same.

Now this is Inception:

"Love" is a strong word, 2010 Kim.