All You Need for a Killer Workout Is a Kettlebell and 20 Minutes

a person lifting weights
Try Our New Kettlehell WorkoutsMen's Health

THE KETTLEBELL IS one of our most reliable and versatile fitness tools. You can construct an entire workout plan using just one weight, thanks to the implement's unique shape and the ways variety of ways that you can hold it to add a load to our most essential movement patterns.

Taking advantage of that wide range of the kettlebell's applications is one of the guiding principles of the newest workouts in our MH MVP Premium program, Kettlehell.


What Is Kettlehell

Kettlehell was created by MH Next Top Trainer winner and kettlebell expert Jah Washington (who uses his gym, the Harlem Kettlebell Club, to train using the tools extensively). The workouts that make up the program are all designed to emphasize a diversity of movements—but they'll all take just 20 minutes using one weight. This is the third iteration of the series (and if you want to check out the first two volumes, you'll need to join MH MVP Premium for access).

Volume 3 is composed of workouts focused on these concepts:

Functional Fit

This session emphasizes the types of movements you do in your everyday life, so you can be stronger and better for whatever you need to do.

Power and Endurance

Use Olympic-style lifts with the kettlebell to hone power, an important training principle.

Full-Body EMOM

You'll hit every major muscle group using a challenging time-based workout structure.

Full-Body Interval (Arms Focus)

This full-body routine puts a particular focus on exercises that train your arms, which are typically not a major component of kettlebell workouts.

What Makes a Kettlehell Workout

All of the workouts in the Kettlehell program have the same basic requirements. You'll need one medium-weight kettlebell, some space to move around (enough room for lunges, swings, and overhead movements like snatches) and 20 minutes. This is the perfect plan for anyone with limited time, space, and equipment—you just have to be willing to work hard within the parameters of the plan.

Rather than separating the workouts into specific muscle groups, Washington built the program using total-body workouts that utilize all of our most important movement patterns. Each routine will require you to hinge, push, pull, lunge, squat. "Be diverse in how you move," he says—which you can think of as one of the main theses for the program. You'll build muscle and strength using these workouts, but you'll also hone your ability to perform the everyday tasks that you might not typically associate with typical gym-based routines.

How You Can Try the Kettlehell Program

If you're ready to put these 20-minute workouts into practice, you'll need to join MH MVP Premium. You'll immediately gain access to Kettlehell Vol. 3, along with hundreds of other streaming fitness sessions and more.

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