Kids Have Created a Massive "Scavenger Hunt" By Putting Rainbow Drawings In Their Windows

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

From House Beautiful

In hopes of spreading cheer during this difficult time, some festive folks around the country started putting their Christmas lights back up. Now kids are also adding some pops of color to their home's exterior. And of course, leave it to the little ones to not only put together a genius neighborhood activity, but also an incredibly sweet one.

Currently, in areas like Brooklyn NY, and Philadelphia PA, kids are drawing their own rainbow masterpieces and displaying them in their window for other kids to see when walking by. Now, every time kids go out for a walk, they can go on a mini scavenger hunt and try to locate the homes with rainbows. To make things easier, there are even Google Maps dedicated to the idea, showing all the participating homes nearby. Members of the community are able to access the map and add their property to it if desired (check out Brooklyn's map here). While in the Queens City area of Philadelphia, news reporter @TaRhondaThomas tweeted two photos of a family she encountered on a rainbow scavenger hunt.

Since most kids aren't able to see their friends or go to the playground, these rainbows help them feel less alone. It also gives them a little activity to focus on when they go out for a stroll with Mom or Dad. While this is just starting up in the United States, creating rainbow artwork to showcase outside the home during this difficult time is not a new idea. As @InnerRoom_7_11 explained earlier this month on Twitter, kids in Italy have been making their own rainbow banners to hang outside that read "Andra' Tutto Bene," which translates to "everything is going to be okay."

Twitter user @matthewcole22, who lives in Toronto, also tweeted some photos of his daughter creating a rainbow banner to display outside and cheer up those who pass by.

While your neighborhood might not have an official rainbow scavenger hunt set up, there's no harm in breaking out the art supplies and letting the kids draw up some to showcase outside. Whether it's a crayon etching, or a full-blown painted banner, every rainbow is a reminder that something beautiful always comes after a storm.

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