Khloé and Tristan Were Spotted on a Movie Date

Photo credit: Instagram​
Photo credit: Instagram​

From Cosmopolitan

Were you holding out hope that Khloé Kardashian would see the light and "dump his ass?"

Well, either way, it looks like Tristan Thompson's ass has officially been saved. Amid reports that Tristan and Khloé are back to living with each other after his alleged cheating, the pair were spotted on a movie date.

❥The day I met you, my life changed. Thank you my love!❥

A post shared by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on Dec 11, 2017 at 9:03am PST

TMZ reports that the newly reuinited duo hit up a theater a few miles outside of Cleveland on Tuesday afternoon, and looked "very much like a couple again." They were seen buying snacks pre-movie, and leaving in the same car after.

Here's to hoping Khloé and Tristan saw A Quiet Place just so Tristan had to sit there in awkward silence while everyone at the theater side-eyed him.

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