Khloé Kardashian Has Mom Anxiety Over This Major Milestone

Khloé Kardashian Has Mom Anxiety Over This Major Milestone


If she could manipulate time, Khloé Kardashian would make it so her daughter, True, never ever grew up. According to Entertainment Tonight, she is having some anxiety over baby True's first birthday, posting a heartfelt message to Twitter that simultaneously celebrated the occasion and expressed a little bit of frustration.

"Is it weird that I think I'm having anxiety thinking True will be one on Friday?!?!" she wrote. "I'm sad Time is flying as fast as it is. I'll be happy, of course, I simply can't understand where the time goes. Thank you Lord for every moment... bring me the tissue."

Fans were quick to offer words of support, but they also pointed out that True's first birthday is just one major event that's sure to bring on the emotions. If Kardashian is feeling this bittersweet mix now, she'll probably be a mess at True's first day of school, her graduation, and every other birthday and major life event. It's not a stretch. Anyone who's seen Keeping Up With the Kardashians can attest to the fact that Khloé's emotions are strong. She just can't keep them in, whether she's mad, sad, or even bored. Every eye roll, clapback, and tear-filled confession is all there on tape.

<p>Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Fashion Nova</p>

Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Fashion Nova

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Kardashian was less mushy (her own words on Twitter) and more celebratory in a new interview. She told People that while being a single mom is tiring, she's loving it.

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"I am so utterly obsessed with her," Kardashian said. "This first year has been amazing. And I really feel like I was meant to do this. It's honestly so rewarding and special."

However, she couldn't help tossing in a little bit of self-reflection, too.

"It's so corny but you don't realize how fast time goes by until you see a child growing in front of you," she said. "It's scary and sad because it goes so fast. Can we slow down time?"