Khloé Kardashian Gushing Over Her "Great" Relationship With Tristan on 'KUWTK' Is So Painful

From Cosmopolitan

  • The Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 16 premiere features Khloé Kardashian still very much with Tristan Thompson.

  • Khloé describes their relationship as "great" during the episode, which caused major cringing/sad vibes among fans.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians' Season 16 premiere went down last night, and to be honest, it was a pretty drama-free episode-at least when it came to Khloé Kardashian's cheating scandal. E! has been thirstily using the scandal to promote their new season, but the show starts with Khloé and Tristan still 100 percent together. And watching Khloé act so happy and in love is truly painful.

Khloé and Tristan didn't occupy too much real estate in the KUWTK premiere, but there's a brief moment where they FaceTime while Khloé's on a shoot for Good American. And not only do we see them laughing and joking around (Khloé is getting fake abs painted on her torso at the time, LOL), Tristan calls KoKo "babe" and she ends the chat with an "I love you."

So much 😔. But things get even sadder during Khloé's on-camera interview when she muses, "I have come to a place in my life where I am super comfortable," and adds "It's been a few months, me and Tristan are great. And I am loving being a mommy. It's bittersweet. I love seeing every milestone with her but I feel like she grows, like, in one week she's like a completely different baby."

Just a few months (or even weeks!) after these scenes were shot, Khloé found out that Tristan cheated-which makes watching extremely woof. And while she stayed pretty quiet on Twitter last night, fans were feeling the awkward vibes:

FYI, Keeping Up With the Kardashians *will* cover Khloé's reaction to Tristan's cheating scandal, but don't expect it to go down until the end of the season.


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