Kendall Jenner Wore the Most Controversial Version of This Hotly Debated "Ugly" Shoe

Kendall Jenner Wore Camo Crocs
Kendall Jenner Wore Camo Crocs


Comfy camo Crocs — say that five times fast. Quite the tongue twister, no? Now try saying, "Kendall in comfy camo Crocs." That's right, supermodel Kendall Jenner was recently spotted wearing Crocs — but not just any ol' pair of Crocs. She wore a camo-printed pair that set the sartorial world ablaze.

Jenner is known for her conversation-starting footwear choices, like the pool slides that her fellow supermodel friends are also obsessed with, throwback thong sandals that take us all the way back to the '90s, and now, camo Crocs that are perhaps the most controversial style of the comfort shoe people love to hate on.

The supermodel was spotted running errands in the winning laid back look of the week. She wore gray sweatpants — proof that the comfy bottoms are here to stay — an oversized forest-green crewneck sweatshirt, her go-to Skims face mask, and those aforementioned camo Realtree Crocs that you can get for $55 on Amazon right now. But it's not just the price tag that has us intrigued; it's the thousands of five-star reviews that has us wondering why we don't own this particular pair of Crocs yet.

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $55;

The supermodel-approved Realtree Croc averages a 4.8-star rating, with so many impassioned five-star reviews that can probably convince even the most Croc averse that these are, in fact, the shoes your footwear lineup is missing.

Racking in over 30,000 five-star reviews is no easy feat, but somehow these unassuming camo Crocs have managed to accomplish just that. Plain and simple, they're comfy, which any Croc wearer can tell you without hesitation. They're lightweight, and they have a cushioned sole with just the right amount of bounce, plus a back strap that keeps them securely on your feet all day. You can wear them with socks (like Jenner) or without, and they're incredibly easy to clean.

Heed the advice of one hesitant shopper if you're not sure whether to try a pair. "I had been told of the legendary comfort of Crocs for years, however I brushed off the stories as myth… " they wrote. "Perhaps I first began to entertain the idea of wearing Crocs ironically, or maybe my feet were simply tired of sweating in black Dr. Martens leathers. Either way, I took the plunge. I selected camo because it looks really cool. Today, I look forward to getting out of bed, Croc-ing up, and seizing the day. The dimpled sole massages and lightly exfoliates the foot during wear."

"These are the best I have ever bought," read another review. "Jealous friends have tried stealing them and my kids constantly stand on my feet saying they didn't see them. I literally wear them everywhere."

Whether you're looking for a new pair of house, gardening, or errand-running shoes, these camo Crocs will support you through it all.

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $45 (Originally $60);

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $40 (Originally $50);

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $45 (Originally $55);

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $55;

Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog
Amazon Crocs Men's and Women's Classic Realtree Clog


Shop now: $50;