Kendall Jenner Went Fully Topless to Talk About Her Acne Struggles

Photo credit: Kendall Jenner - Instagram
Photo credit: Kendall Jenner - Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

  • Kendall Jenner posted a topless photo on Instagram to talk about her acne struggles.

  • She's a Proactiv brand ambassador.

Nowadays, we all know Kendall Jenner as an uber successful supermodel who has no issue getting in front of the camera, but she wasn't always like that. You see, Kendall used to struggle with acne, as have many teens and adults (yeah, adult acne is a fickle b*tch). She's been open about it before, and ever since becoming Proactiv's brand ambassador, she's shared even more about being on the acne struggle bus. Now, Kendall is out here posing topless on Instagram to talk about her skin.

Yesterday, Kenny blessed her followers with an update (she's not on the 'Gram as much as her sisters) and wrote, "When my acne was at its worst, I was a high schooler who didn’t want to leave the house. Now I’m content with my skin." She also did some ~influencing~ and told her followers they'd love Proactiv.

Moving on! She paired this statement with a photo of her with one arm wrapped around her boobs and the other propping up her acne-free face. It's a big mood, as are the related photos she took with photographer BFF Mert Alas.

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w/ @mertalas 🖤

A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Jul 19, 2019 at 8:27am PDT

When people saw her acne caption, some called her brave and honest while others were like, "It’s easy for her to say that when she’s millionaire and have money to treat it with the most expensive treatments."

Whatever the case may be, acne has def affected Kendall—one time she even admitted to crying for days about it. She said, "I have cried endlessly for days because of things people have said to me, and I've had to become stronger through it. I mean, don't get me wrong: I am not superhuman. I definitely feel, and the things people say online are very hurtful."

Leave Kenny alone, y'all!

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