Ken Jeong needs a Coke Zero everywhere he goes

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Actor and Host Ken Jeong shares his obssesions

Video Transcript

KEN JEONG: Hi. I'm Ken Jeong and here are five products that I'm obsessed with. Get ready to add them in your cart and put them in your queue.


I'm one of those people that have to have their phone charged to like 100 every chance. I have a myCharge phone charger that I plug into my phone every chance I get. I don't feel less of a human being because I need my phone charged up to 100. I'm a good man with a good phone and a good charger.

I love Coke Zero. I've done endorsement campaigns for Coke Zeros. When I'm on set, everyone knows that I'm going to ask for a Coke Zero. It charges me up like myCharge charges up my phone. Like a phone charger for humans. You ever thought about that?

I have a Tumi backpack that is always raring to go. It's a very complete backpack without feeling too big. Just the other day, I felt like I was going to a location where there was-- this is true, I'm not just saying this-- where I didn't think there'd be a lot of Coke Zeros on. So put some in my Tumi backpack, had a hugger around the can, kept it cool.

I am obsessed with my Life Fitness treadmill. It just relaxes me. It's really more for my mind than my body at this point in my life.

During the pandemic, we've all had increased screen time. Zoom meetings, Zoom calls, like FaceTime with family and friends. When I'm binge watching all 85 TV shows I appear in, my eyes get dry admiring myself. That's why I have partnered up with the people at Novartis, makers of Xiidra, to encourage people to talk to their eye doctor and ask them if Xiidra is right for them.

Thank you so much for checking out my New in the Queue items.