Kelly Clarkson's Billboard Awards Medley Was Epic

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From Cosmopolitan

Kelly Clarkson hosted the 2018 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night, and she started the night by truly proving she belonged in the hosting job. She started her opening monologue by noting she’s not a comedian or actor, like typical hosts are, but that what she is is a singer-and more importantly, a superfan.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

So she decided to skip the jokes and go right into the medley of the favorites to win the Billboard Awards this year. She sang versions of hit songs in basically every genre out there, including artists like Kendrick Lamar, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Bruno Mars, Cardi B (or, excuse me, Kelly C).

She even sang Taylor Swift-and Taylor Swift sang along from the audience.

And seemed to confuse 21 Savage in general.

If that wasn’t over-the-top enough, there were shirtless male dancers and acrobats in the background. Don't ever accuse Kelly Clarkson of being too subtle.

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Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

It was a definite change of tone from her opening speech before the awards started, which called for a "moment of action" instead of a moment of silence after the shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas. Clarkson acknowledged that it would be tough to get through her emotions, but noted, "you have to talk about it, or change isn’t going to happen.” It seems like Clarkson didn't have to worry about being a spot-on host after all.

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