Kelli Berglund on ‘Now Apocalypse’ & Breaking Free from the Disney Mold

In the first episode of Now Apocalypse, Starz’s new series about four Los Angeles friends, sex and a lizardman (not necessarily at the same time), Kelli Berglund’s character, Carly, an aspiring actress and part-time camgirl, is camming with a client who asks her, “What can I do for you, mistress? I’m here to please you.” She yawns and half-heartedly tells him to do 30 pushups. When he asks if that’s what she really wants, she tells him no, pauses and asks if he can run lines with her instead. She has an acting class tomorrow and needs to memorize her scenes. After some hesitation, Carly offers to take off her bra. The guy agrees, and she holds her highlighted script to the camera as they...

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