Keep on rolling: Sophie Turner admits to lighting up in bathtubs with Maisie Williams

Sophie Turner interviewed during Entertainment Weekly's panel at New York Comic Con 2018 - Getty Images North America
Sophie Turner interviewed during Entertainment Weekly's panel at New York Comic Con 2018 - Getty Images North America

After seven years on set, the Game of Thrones cast have long learned better than to let slip plot details of the hit HBO fantasy show.  That hasn't, however, stopped Sophie Turner from revealing more inflammatory details from life on set.  Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, revealed that she and co-star Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, would unwind by smoking cannabis after their Game of Thrones shoots.  

“We’re kind of like loners on Game of Thrones, just because the past few seasons Maisie and I have sleepovers every night when we’re shooting, Turner, 22 said during New York Comic Con. Or every night whenever both of us are in town. We just used to sit there and eat and watch stupid videos and smoke weed,” she told the audience.  

She added, “I don’t know if my publicist will kill me for saying this.  We’d get high and then we’d sit in the bath together and we’d rub makeup brushes on our faces. It’s fun.”

Despite the Fort Knox levels of secrecy, security measures and NDAs that the show's actors adhere to, Turner managed to elaborate on life on set.  She said that she is very excited about Sansa's journey in Season 8, after Sansa and Arya put aside their differences in Season 7 and worked together to give the insidious Petyr Baelish his well-deserved death and prepare for the fast-approaching winter.

"Sansa really comes into her own this season. The past few seasons for her and the whole series for her, she’s kind of been somewhat lost as a matter of where she wants to be, who she wants to be, who she wants to surround herself with, and this season she is very very self-assured.  Turner said, "she knows what she wants. She knows what she stands for. She knows who she wants to be around, and she faces threats to that this season. But, well, we’ll see how that goes.”

Turner also shared some details on the final season of Game of Thrones and the many precautions taken to prevent spoilers , such as the actors’ names being changed on the script and the call sheets.

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Kit Harington as Jon Snow - Credit:  HBO
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Kit Harington as Jon Snow Credit: HBO

“We have a whole different name for [Game of Thrones] when we’re shooting it. I think this season it was like the Tree of Life or something...also, we shoot fake scenes. We got into costume in Croatia because we know the paparazzi lurk around there, so we would spend like half a day doing nothing.”

Turner also revealed they have a "drone killer" that shoots down anything that attempts to fly over the set; “I don’t know how it does it. It creates like this field around and the drones just drop.” 

The final season of GOT is set to air in early 2019, and fans are salivating to watch the six feature-length episodes comprising the final season of the biggest television series in pop culture.  One thing is for certain; there won't be another television series that consumes the public consciousness as Game of Thrones does for a long time.