Keep Off the 'Quarantine 15' With Our Best Diet and Workout Advice

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Men's Health

THE GOOD NEWS is that your kitchen table is perfect desk height. The bad news is that it’s right next to two weeks’ worth of Cool Ranch Doritos. Pile onto that stress snacking, “this Pop-Tart will comfort me” thinking, a disrupted routine, and a closed gym, and that’s the Quarantine 15.

But you can actually come out of this healthy—maybe even better off than you started. First of all, without your usual commute time sucking up valuable minutes of your day, you’ve probably got a few extra minutes between hand washes to devote to self-care.

Managing what you eat and how you move isn't that removed from deciding to quarantine, practice social distancing, or otherwise dealing with this new reality. They're all a matter of deciding what matters—and making it a priority. And having the tools to make it happen. Which you do now, with the science-tested, expert-approved strategies below:





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