Keep Your Easter Lilies Looking Beautiful with These Expert Tips

Keep Your Easter Lilies Looking Beautiful with These Expert Tips

Those beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers called Easter lilies are everywhere this time of year! And if you're a lover of white flowers, you're likely a fan of the Easter lily. Whether you enjoy these symbols of hope and purity indoors as part of flower arrangements (think wow-worthy Easter table centerpieces) or grow them outside in your garden, we've gathered some useful facts and tips for how to care for Easter lilies. Read on to learn how to plant Easter lilies outdoors, how to care for Easter lilies in a pot, and more.

How do I care for an Easter Lily?

For starters, choose a healthy plant with no yellow leaves. Shop for medium- to compact-sized plants with foliage that goes all the way down to the soil, and avoid tall spindly ones. Look for plants that have buds in various stages including fat, puffy ones that will open in a few days and tighter ones that will open in a week or so. If you select flowers that already are wide open, just know that they will fade quickly.

Keep your lilies away from heating vents and out of direct sunlight. They like moisture, so be sure to water them well—don’t let the soil in pots dry out! Be sure to remove the decorative paper or plastic sleeve that wraps the pot right away so the plant can drain properly. Lilies don’t like to be soggy either.

How do I keep my Easter lilies from making a mess?

Lilies are notorious for dropping pollen. To avoid a mess, remove the yellow pistils in the center of each flower so pollen won’t drop and stain the actual blooms or furniture and tablecloths. Removing the pistils also reduces the fragrance, which some people find too strong anyway. If you do get pollen on fabric, remove it with sticky tape instead of trying to rub it or dust it away, which will just smear it around and possibly make it worse.

When do Easter lilies bloom?

Because growers use such precision in handling these flowers during cultivation, most will bloom on time for Easter without any special care from you. That’s right: All you have to do is enjoy the gorgeous flowers! Experts say to keep them in a cool room around 60 to 65 degrees for longer-lasting blooms.

Can I plant my Easter lily bulb after it blooms?

Absolutely! Snap off each flower after it dies. When none are left, plant your lily in full sun (6 or more hours of direct sun) after all danger of frost has passed in your area, and water well. Make sure you plant in a well-drained area, not where water tends to pool. Place the plant in ground at the same depth it was in the pot, and feed it every few months with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.

In USDA Hardiness zones 7 and warmer (check yours here), your plant may come back for several years. With luck, your Easter lily will flower next spring or summer, which is its normal bloom time. If you live in a northern climate, you can try to plant your Easter lily, but chances are, it may not return because Easter lilies don’t like extreme cold. Still, it’s worth a shot—Mother Nature sometimes surprises us, which is part of the fun!

Are Easter lilies harmful to pets?

Unfortunately, Easter lilies are toxic to cats. The stem, leaves, flowers, and pollen—even the water from a vase of lilies—can cause fatal kidney failure in cats. If you think your cat has been exposed, call your vet immediately. Lilies are dangerous to dogs, too, who may develop stomach upset, drooling, and vomiting from ingesting them. So, if your pets are nosy and like to nibble, it’s best to keep Easter lilies out of your home completely.

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