Katie Piper announced as first Strictly Come Dancing contestant

Katie Piper in 2016 - Rex Features
Katie Piper in 2016 - Rex Features

The first contestant for Strictly Come Dancing 2018 has been announced. Katie Piper, the broadcaster, charity campaigner and inspirational speaker, appeared on BBC Breakfast this morning to announce that she will appear on the forthcoming 16th series. 

Piper first rose to prominence after she became the subject of a Channel 4 documentary, Katie: My Beautiful Face, in which she detailed her experience as the victim of an acid attack and sexual assault at the hands of her former partner, Daniel Lynch.

Piper went on to create further series for the broadcaster, releasing another short film, Katie: the Science of Seeing Again which followed her stem cell surgery to repair her damaged left eye and two further series, one which saw her meeting other burn victims and Bodyshockers, which explored both the gains and perils of cosmetic surgery. 

The star has since gone on to become a philanthropist, acclaimed inspirational speaker and write a bestselling autobiography.

In a statement, Piper said: "I feel so privileged and excited to be part of my favourite show on TV. I already know how much of an amazing experience it will be for me and I can’t wait to show my girls some of my new dance moves.

Piper and husband Richard James Sutton, 2017 - Credit: LTA
Piper and husband Richard James Sutton, 2017 Credit: LTA

I’m nervous to put on my dancing shoes but can’t wait to learn a new skill and have the Strictly tan and makeover!"

However during her interview on BBC Breakfast this morning, the star did admit that she had some apprehensions abut her appearance: "For me it's really out of my comfort zone and it's not something I've ever done before," she admitted, before joking about the fact that she is not very musically gifted. 

"Dance wise, I went to a musical on Thursday and my friend noted that I wasn't even clapping in time, so in terms of rhythm I don't know how that's going to go. Since I've known I was going to be in it, I've been watching lots of old footage to try and get some tips but sometimes that just makes you more nervous."

The philanthropist also shared some worries about the potentially harsh judging panel, "I don't want to cry. The judges can be quite scary. I've developed a thick skin over the years so hopefully I'll be fine," she said.    

But, Piper is hoping the right dance partner will alieviate her worries, as she has already set her sights on one dancer in particular: "I would like to be partnered with Giovanni. Giovanni, if you're watching, I'm coming for you," she joked. 

English cricketer Graeme Swann is also rumoured to join this year's line-up  - Credit: Action images
English cricketer Graeme Swann is also rumoured to join this year's line-up Credit: Action images

Elsewhere, it has been rumoured that Ashes-winning England cricketer Graeme Swann will join the Strictly line up.

According to The Sun, the 39-year-old bowler will be one of this year's contestants, meaning that he will be the fifth cricketer to appear on the show: Phil Tufnell took part in 2009, as did Michael Vaughan in 2012, while both Darren Gough and Mark Ramprakash won the series in 2005 and 2006. 

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