Will and Kate Share Sweet Photos of Princess Diana and Carole Middleton for Mother's Day

Photo credit: Getty/Kensington Royal Instagram
Photo credit: Getty/Kensington Royal Instagram

From Town & Country

It's mother's day in the UK, and Prince William and Kate Middleton posted a sweet set of photos on the Kensington Royal instagram account. Both of them notably shared photos of their mothers, Princess Diana and Carole Middleton. They also shared a message of sympathy and solidarity to their followers, who like them, are struggling to make sense of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe and changing so many lives.

"To mothers new and old and families spending today together and apart – we are thinking of you all at this difficult time," read the message.

The first photo in the series is of the Duchess of Cambridge giving Princess Charlotte a piggyback, with Prince William doing the same for what appears to be Prince George in the background. The next photo is of Princess Diana with Will and Harry when they were young, a sweet reminder not only of the Duke of Cambridge's mother but his brother, with whom he reportedly has a strained relationship at the moment.

The next is a rare photo of Carole Middleton holding baby "Catherine," as the caption reads. Will and Kate are known to be close to the Middletons, but Kate's parents, who founded a party supply company called Party Pieces, headquartered near the Middleton's home in Berkshire, keep a relatively low profile.

Prince William and Kate are, like many families, grappling with the new realities of a life dictated by social distancing. Prince George and Prince Charlotte's school, Thomas's Battersea, announced last weekend that their curriculum would be taught remotely beginning last Friday, a response to the British government's announcement that schools across the UK would be closing as a precautionary measure.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are still undertaking some limited royal engagements in support of people on the front lines of the COVID19 epidemic.

Photo credit: Handout - Getty Images
Photo credit: Handout - Getty Images

On Friday, they visited a National Health Service call center in London, thanking them for their efforts. And Prince William also recently spoke out about the novel coronavirus, sharing a message of support on behalf of the National Emergencies Trust, a disaster relief fund for the most vulnerable members of British society.

"Whenever and wherever adversity strikes, the people of the UK have a unique ability to pull together. The way that local communities support those affected shows the very best of our values and human nature," Prince William said.

Watch his full remarks below:

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