Kate Middleton’s Friend Says She’s “Really Upset” Over Estrangement From the Sussexes

Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images

The Cambridges and the Sussexes still don’t appear to be on great terms due to, you know, literally everything that’s happened in the past two years—and apparently, Kate Middleton is feeling stressed.

A source tells People that the Duchess has been “really, really upset about it all,” while a friend adds, “Everything with Harry and Meghan has been hugely stressful, but if anything, it’s pulled [her and William] closer together. She was upset about it because [William] was so upset. Seeing her husband so distraught was tough.”

Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images

Just FYI, it does sound like Meghan and Kate are doing their best to move forward. Back in August a source told Us Weekly, “Meghan and Kate are actually getting along really well and have been in touch more often. Meghan and Kate’s relationship was never that close. And now they’re closer than ever and working on their relationship for the sake of the family.”

The Cambridges haven’t actually seen Meghan and Harry for quite a while, although for a moment, it looked like the Sussexes could be traveling to England for Christmas. At the time, a royal expert told The Sun that while the Queen wanted them to visit, other royals had trust issues.

“The Queen would be delighted because she adores Harry—and also, you love a child even though you disagree with everything they are doing—but I think for the other royals, it is quite a stiff time where everybody has a very explicit diary of changing five times a day and what they have to do at what time. I think it will be very, very difficult if they come over because the feeling is you can’t trust them and they might use this for their next documentary or for his next book.”

Really doubt Harry or Meghan would “use” a Christmas vacation for their next book, but either way, the couple won’t be joining the rest of the royals in Sandringham.

“There’s a lot that goes into the logistics and the planning of the family Christmas, so of course, staff know that Harry and Meghan are not coming,” one royal source told Page Six. “If they were, they would have communicated it to their family by now.”

Here’s to hoping everyone can reunite soon!

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