How Kate Middleton and Prince William Broke 200 Years of Royal Precedent With Their First Year of Marriage

Photo credit: Chris Jackson
Photo credit: Chris Jackson


When Kate Middleton and Prince William were married in 2011, many were anxious for news of a pregnancy shortly after.

But the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were slow to become parents. Express points out that Kate announced her first pregnancy several months after their one-year wedding anniversary in December 2013.

This is a standout difference for Kate and William compared to royals of the past, as they are the "first future monarchs in 200 years not to have conceived in the first year of their marriage."

Express talked to Royal author Gill Knappett, who explained that the couple's duty to Queen Elizabeth was a factor in the delay. "It is thought that William and Catherine, as newlyweds, may have delayed staring a family so that they could participate fully in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012," she explained. “Part of William and Catherine’s commitment to the Queen in her Diamond Jubilee year involved the young couple touring Asia on behalf of Her Majesty in September 2012.

It will be interesting to see if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle follow suit. After a month off, the newlywed couple will embark on their first royal tour in October and are planning a visit to the U.S. in the Spring.

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