Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle's Reported 'Tension' Is Not the Main Reason the Sussexes Are Leaving London

Photo credit: Karwai Tang - Getty Images
Photo credit: Karwai Tang - Getty Images


When The Sun broke the news that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were moving out of Kensington Palace and London to live in Windsor's Frogmore Cottage, a royal source attributed the decision to "a bit of tension" between Harry and his brother Prince William. More sources have spoken to British outlets, however, and several have noted that Kate Middleton and Meghan's relationship played a small part in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's decision. But it was not the primary reason: instead, it was Meghan and Harry's desire for privacy for their family.

Regarding Kate and Meghan, Richard Palmer, the Express's royal correspondent, wrote on Twitter that the reason for the move is just "Harry and Meghan spreading their wings. No big fallout but Kate and Meghan not close. No royal properties available in London apparently." Kensington Palace's Apartment 1, right next door to Kate and William, is opening up, but "royal sources say it’s a big renovation project and won’t be ready in time for the Sussexes," he wrote. The Daily Mail's Rebecca English also added in her own report that the high cost of the renovation was a deterrent.

English also echoed Palmer on Kate and Meghan, calling the two duchesses "simply very different people, although sources insist there has been no dramatic falling out."

Meghan is also still adjusting to being a duchess. "The royal lifestyle and constraints are taking a time for Meghan to get used to," a "well-placed" source told English. "She's woman who has lived life into her 30s in her way, she's been a relatively successful actress, has her own humanitarian interests and her own circle of friends. She is very self-sufficient. Understanding the Palace way, the deference, the politics and the fact that there's a pecking order, is taking a while for Meghan to get her head around. She is quite opinionated and Harry has got very dictatorial of late, which hasn't made things easy at times."

But Kate can deal with their differences, the source continued. "While there are some tensions behind the scenes, Kate is pretty unflappable and nothing has become bad enough to make Harry and Meghan want to move out. People are genuinely pleased to see them so happy."

Meghan and Harry ultimately decided to move because they want their kids growing up with more privacy. Because Harry isn't a future king, he doesn't have to be based in London.

Kensington Palace is on public grounds. "Frogmore, which is inside the Windsor security zone [where the main house is only open to the public for a couple of days a year] is secluded, peaceful, tranquil and, most importantly, private," a source told English. "No one will see them coming or going."

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