Kate Middleton Is in Her Element in New Photos of Her Garden Design Project

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images

From Town & Country

  • Since the start of the year, Kate Middleton has been collaborating with the Royal Horticultural Society to design a garden for the Chelsea Flower Show.

  • Kensington Palace has shared new photos of Kate hard at work on the garden, along with a glimpse of her design.

  • The "Back to Nature Garden" will attempt to "get people back to nature, and highlight the benefits of the natural world on our mental and physical wellbeing," per Kensington Palace.

This year's Chelsea Flower Show is almost upon us, which means that it won't be long until Kate Middleton's co-designed garden project is finally unveiled.

It was previously revealed that Kate was hard at work on designing the "Back to Nature Garden" with @The_RHS, Andrée Davies, and Adam White.

And now, with just one week to go until Chelsea Flower Show, the Kensington Palace Twitter account has shared several new photos of the duchess working.

In another tweet, Kensington Palace revealed, "Over the past few months, The Duchess and landscape architects Davies White have visited plant nurseries, suppliers and specialist craftspeople who have been growing and building elements of the garden ready for #RHSChelsea":

The palace continued: "The Duchess has worked with @The_RHS and @Davies_White to design and build the garden, to highlight how being active in nature can positively impact our physical and mental health #RHSChelsea."

Finally, the Kensington Palace Twitter account shared a detailed plan of the gorgeous-looking garden, and explained that its aim is to "inspire families to get outside and explore nature together."

Basically, Kate Middleton's talents know no end.

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