Kate Middleton Has Been Copying Princess Diana’s Parenting Style, According to a Royal Expert

Kate Middleton Has Been Copying Princess Diana’s Parenting Style, According to a Royal Expert

We have a new addition for the always growing list of ways Kate Middleton reminds the world of her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana. According to royal etiquette expert Myka Meier, Kate’s parenting style is very reminiscent of Diana’s.

“I think what [Kate] probably has learned in a sense is how to keep her calm. For instance, Princess Diana, there [was] so much stress and so much pressure all the time. And I think we’re seeing the Duchess of Cambridge follow that same path of keeping her calm, even if maybe behind closed doors, [she] doesn’t feel like that,” Meier told Us Weekly. “But [Kate] does an excellent job of not ever letting onto anything but graciousness. I think that’s something she took from Princess Diana’s book, for sure.”

A perfect example of Kate’s serene mom zen in action came earlier this summer, when her youngest son, Prince Louis, (very adorably) lost his damn mind on the balcony during the Trooping the Colour parade and Kate handled the 4-year-old’s meltdown in front of approximately a million cameras/onlookers/potential trolls just waiting for something to criticize.

The meltdown:

Photo credit: DANIEL LEAL - Getty Images
Photo credit: DANIEL LEAL - Getty Images

Kate’s ultra-calm mother-to-son moment with Louis:

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

And Louis, moments post-heart-to-heart, having the best time:

Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

“I thought she did so well. Any parent or person who has a little one in their lives knows how difficult it can be. She kept her cool and it made her even more relatable and lovable than ever,” Meier said of the public parenting moment. “She handled him. She corrected him, but yet she didn’t cover his mouth. She didn’t do anything that would’ve been eyebrow-raising. She really handled it so graciously and just like a pro.”

Just one more piece of evidence that Kate is pretty much the People’s Princess 2.0.

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