Kate Middleton's Stay-Slim Secret Is Kind of a Bummer

Ever since her daughter Charlotte, the world has been dying to know how Kate Middleton stays so trim. Finally, the princess has shared the long-awaited secret that helps her achieve her famously lithe figure... and it's such a let-down.

According to Us Weekly, at a party to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's birthday in Delhi, India, Professor Bulbul Dhar-James asked the Duchess of Cambridge, "How do you lose all the weight after having two kids?"

Her answer: "I am running after my kids."

Insert balloon deflating sound effect here. Seriously? That's it? No magic diet, foods she avoids, or exercise moves that kick some royal booty? No princess cleanse recipe to offer her devoted fans? There's no secret body-slimming garment British monarchs have worn for centuries that help you look like Kate Middleton less than a year postpartum?

Ugh, if only running after my kids helped me drop the 30 pounds I had to lose following the births of each of my three kids. And I don't even have any help running after them! Instead, I had to cut our carbs and workout every single day for a year before I looked the way I wanted.

Maybe Charlotte, 11 months, and George, 2 years, are just super-duper, insanely, unimaginably more active than my brood. But most likely Kate is naturally thin. Sigh. I mean, good for her!

Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger and a mom. Follow her on Twitter (@Spitupnsuburbs), where she chronicles her love of exercising and drinking coffee, but never simultaneously.