Kate McKinnon's Elizabeth Warren Is the Prostate Check America Needs

"I'm like if Monday Night Raw was hosted by NPR's Terry Gross."

Kate McKinnon has such a specific knack for impersonating people that once you see her all made up you almost feel foolish for not picturing her as that person before. Now it's impossible to un-see her as Elizabeth Warren on Saturday's "Weekend Update," and it begs the question, Why the hell haven't they done this before?

Of course the reason is that despite providing not much comedy fodder in the past, Warren's running for president now. And on top of that, she's been in the news for a horribly misguided DNA test, which McKinnon said came back "100 percent a bad idea." She added, "Who knew race science wasn't a good P.R. strategy?"

But much like the real Warren, McKinnon's version isn't letting that get her down, as she shares stories about growing up in Oklahoma "between some railroad tracks and a sand tornado, whittling my own toys." She also got into the maddening debate about her "likability," which was set off by a Politico article shortly after she announced her candidacy:

Was the article sexist? Yes. Am I likable? Probs not. Neither is a prostate exam, but you need one or you'll die. This country, Colin, is long overdue for a finger up its caboose. You might even like it! So, bend over, America, and let Mama Warren get to work.

"A finger in every caboose" isn't the worst campaign slogan we've heard in a while.