Kate Hudson Thought She’d Be a Pop Singer Until This Changed Her Mind

[BLANK_AUDIO] [MUSIC] [FOREIGN] If we're going to create a better generation it always starts with education. And keeping kids in school. No child can learn if they're hungry, no child can focus if all they're thinking about is their hunger. [MUSIC] We need to invest in our children. One of the great ways to be able to help is to start with the fundamentals, and that's feeding children. [MUSIC] Three years ago now, Michael came to me and asked if I would come along with him on his Watch Hunger Stop campaign. I was so excited, because I love Michael Koors so much. And then we started this journey together, and it's been amazing. [MUSIC] There's something so simple, but something so deeply important, about what the World Food Program is doing. And it's not as simple as just feeding a child. The organization is much more in depth. They're influencing how people create a self-sustaining environment fo their children and their schools. [MUSIC] Kids go to school because they can eat. These local farmers have income. It allows these women and men to put their kids in school. It was a really eye opening experience and this whole trip has been so beautiful, so great. Makes me want to do more. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]

Kate Hudson seems in her element working on the set of her upcoming movie Sister with singer Sia, but at one point, she had musical aspirations of her own.

“I thought music would be my route, the pop world, but I got into musicals at school and ... that was it," she told Net-a-Porter's digital magazine in their latest issue. Thankfully, that didn't deter her. Ever determined, Hudson went into acting instead, and we all know how that went for her. It turns out, though, that her drive was pretty visible even when she was a kid growing up in her famous parents Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell's house.

“I was a very focused little girl. I didn’t rebel from my parents because I wanted validation from them,” she said. “I never came home with a piercing or a tattoo; I was always the designated driver. I got a bit boy-crazy in high school, but I didn’t party, so I was never the coolest person in class. At the weekends, I wasn’t chilling with friends; I had s*** to do! I still do—I can’t not be busy.”

RELATED: Kate Hudson Sets out to End World Hunger with Michael Kors

While admittedly "a bit boy-crazy," Hudson's description sounds just that: focused. When she tried to branch out of the shadow of her star actress mom Goldie Hawn, she was met with understanding.

"She never fought it—her expectations of me were never about her," Hudson said.

Sounds pretty admirable to us.